安田真幸「「2024 ILO専門家委員会報告書」で、大きな前進!!」

2024 ILO専門家委員会報告書」で、大きな前進が!!




① 私たち4労組(連帯・杉並、ユニオンらくだ、連帯板橋区パート、あぱけん神戸)は2017年、労働基本権の一方的はく奪に対抗するため、ILOに申し立てを行った。



② 私たちは労働基本権の取り組みを進める中で、日本の労働法制をILO国際基準に基づいて改めさせること、特に公務員労働法制に関するILOへの取組の重要性を強く感じてきた。

③ そこで「雇用政策条約」に絡めて、以下の点を強調してILOに訴えることとした。




④ 今年(2024年)2月9日にILOホームページで公開された報告書では、労働基本権は勿論、特に「雇用政策条約」の会計年度任用職員制度に関する、以下の見解にご注目いただきたい。



⑤ 私見では、この「見解」の意味するところを以下のように受け止めている。










◆ 様々な労働団体が、それぞれの立場から ILO にチャレンジされ、より豊かな取組となることを願っています。




2024 ILO専門家委員会報告書のポイント


2024.3.1 ILO 4労組:連帯・杉並、ユニオンらくだ、連帯板橋区パート、あぱけん神戸






これまでの取組の経過は、右のHP「日本政府による自治体22万非常勤の一方的労働基本権はく奪を許すな!― 非正規公務員の労働基本権確立を求めて ー」を参照ください。 https://rentai-suginami.wixsite.com/0001


「2022.9.1  122号「雇用政策条約」関連で、新たにILO専門家委員会に情報提供しました。




 その内容を翻訳(仮訳)してみました。ぜひご覧ください。特に、「2 122号条約:雇用政策に関して」のところで「新制度実施5年後(2025年?)」の制度見直しに踏み込んだ「見解」は、大きな成果と考えています。


◆ 様々な労働団体が、それぞれの立場からILOにチャレンジされ、より豊かな取組となることを願っています。


1 87号条約:労働基本権に関して

① 「2024専門家委員会報告書」では、政府の労働基本権確保に向けた取組が一向に進展していないことに「深い遺憾の意を表明」し、「労働基本権保障」に向けた「協議」「遅滞なく関わるよう強く要請する」としている。

② 「2022報告書」では、「98号(団結権及び団体交渉権)条約」のところでも、公務員の労働基本権に関して取り上げられていた。今回の「2024報告書」では98号条約の記載はない。今年(2024年)が審査の年に当たるためと思われ、引き続き注目したい。

③ 2018年のILO総会において、提出された「専門家委員会報告書」の中から、重要な個別案件について討議する「基準適用委員会(総会委員会)」が日本の労働基本権問題を取り上げ、「(労働基本権保障に向けた)期限を区切った行動計画」の策定を求めた。さらに、「2023年に全面的な報告」を求めていた。今回、この「全面的報告」でも前進が見られず、「総会委員会」の「結論(=行動計画の策定)」から5年を経ても一向に進展していないこと、へのILOの「苛立ち(?)」さえ感じられる記述となっている。



2 122号条約:雇用政策に関して

① 私たちの情報提供を受けて、初めて自治体非正規公務員(会計年度任用職員)問題が取り上げられた。私たちが求めたのは、a)これまで通り「更新」を認め、「毎年の公募選考が必須」との助言を撤回することb)2022年度末の「3年公募制」を中止することc)非正規公務員の「無期雇用」を実現すること及び最低限「無期転換制度」を非正規公務員にも適用すること、の3点である。

② 併せて、地公法改定に当たって、d)「三者(政・労・使)協議原則」が守られていないことe)「無期転換制度」など、雇用安定に向かう民間非正規労働者への雇用政策とは真逆の労務政策=非正規公務員の「雇用不安定化」を推進する日本政府の姿勢を改めさせる必要があること、も強く訴えた。

③ 「2024報告書」では、随所で私たちの意見に触れつつ「新制度の実施5年後(2025年?)に」「公共部門の潜在的不十分さを特定し」「雇用政策を改善することを目的とした評価(アセスメント)を実施する意向があるかどうかを示すように」と政府に迫っている。

④ 加えて、「三者協議」の具体的内容として「継続的に見直し」「影響を受ける人々の経験と意見を十分に考慮し」「支持の取り付けにおいて全面的な協力を確保し」「影響を受ける人々の代表と協議することを要請する」としている。末尾には、その他の事項についても政府に直接に要請(ダイレクト・リクエスト=直接政府に対して、様々な点について質問する。通常は非公開)していることを明らかにしている。

⑤ 私たちが求めた3点について、直接的な成果は見られないものの、今後の制度見直しと政府との協議の面で、予測を大きく上回る成果を獲得したと受け止めている。

⑥ 私たち4労組はもちろんのこと、多くの仲間と力を合わせて、「5年後をめどにした見直し」を総務省に迫っていきたい。


1 87号条約(労働基本権)関係:Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948(No. 87) (ratification(日本政府批准): 1965)


原文 Deepl仮訳
Article 3. Denial of basic labour rights to public service employees.

 The Committee recalls its longstanding comments on the need to ensure basic labour rights for public service employees, in particular that they enjoy the right to industrial action without risk of sanctions, with the only exception being

public servants exercising authority in the name of the State and workers employed in essential services in the strict sense of the term.

The Committee notes the general information provided once again by the Government on its overall approach, which remains to continue to hear opinions from employee organizations. The Government refers once again to the procedures of the National Personnel Authority (NPA) presented as a compensatory guarantee for public service employees whose basic labour rights are restricted.

The Government indicates that the NPA held 180 official meetings with employees’organizations in 2021 and 190 official meetings in 2022, making recommendations enabling working conditions of public service employees to be brought into line with the general conditions of society.

The Government invokes the example of the use of the NPA recommendation system through factfinding surveys nationwide for revision of the remuneration of public service employees, implemented since 1960. Therefore, the Government restates that these compensatory measures maintain appropriately the working conditions of public service employees. The Committee notes the Nippon Keidanren observations supporting the Government’s intention to continue to carefully review and consider measures for an autonomous labour-employer relations system, taking into account views from employees’ organizations.

The Committee notes, however, the observations from the JTUC–RENGO regretting that the Government’s position on the autonomous labour–employer relations system has not evolved and the Government’s failure to initiate consultation with the organizations concerned. Furthermore, JTUC–RENGO reiterates that the NPA recommendations are left to political decision, making it obvious that such a mechanism is defective as a compensatory measure.

JTUC-RENGO regrets that on all occasions the Government merely and invariably repeats its statement made in 2013 in the House of Representatives that “an autonomous industrial relations system would have a wide range of issues and as citizens’ understanding has not been gained yet, it will be necessary to continue to consider this carefully.” JTUC–RENGO deplores the evident lack of intention on the part of the Government to reconsider the legal system regarding the basic labour rights of public service employees.

Noting with deep regret that the report fails to provide any sign of progress on the matter, the Committee is bound to urge the Government to engage without further delay in consultations with the social partners and other stakeholders concerned to determine the necessary measures to ensure that

public service employees, who are not exercising authority in the name of the State, enjoy fully their basic labour rights, in particular the right to industrial action.

 Moreover, the Committee also urges the Government to resume consultations with the social partners concerned for the review of the current system with a view to ensuring effective, impartial and speedy conciliation and arbitration procedures,in which the parties have confidence and can participate at all stages, and in which the awards, once made, will be fully and promptly implemented.

 The Committee expects the Government to provide information on meaningful steps taken in this regard.

第3条  公務員に対する労働基本権の否定

















   Local public service employees.

 The Committee recalls that, in its previous comments,representative organizations in the local public sector had referred to the adverse impact of the entry into force of the revised Local Public Service Act in April 2020 on their right to organize on the following grounds: (i) non-regular local public service employees and their unions are not covered by the general labour law that provides for basic labour rights and their ability to appeal to the labour relations commission in case of alleged unfair labour practice; (ii) the new system, which aimed at limiting the use of part-time staff on permanent duties (through special service positions appointed by fiscal year just as regular service employees), has the effect of increasing the number of workers stripped of their basic labour rights; (iii) the conditional yearly employment system in place has created job anxiety and weakens union action; and (iv) these situations further call for the urgent restoration of basic labour rights to all public service employees.

The Committee notes that the Government merely reiterates that the legal amendments ensure proper appointment of special service personnel and temporary appointment employees and clarify the framework of appointment of regular service part-time staff.

In the Government’s view, the amendments guarantee the status of these personnel and employees along with the introduction of some allowances due to them. The change in the conditions of basic labour rights is therefore the consequence of the guarantee of the terms of appointment of these persons, as originally set out. The Government also states that it will carefully examine what the basic labour right of local public service employees should be “in a manner consistent with the measures for the labour-employer relations system of national public service employees” as prescribed by the supplementary provision of the Civil Service Reform Act.

The Committee notes Nippon Keida nren’s observations supporting the position of the Government for careful examination regarding the basic labour rights of local public service employees. The Committee further notes JTUC–RENGO’s indication that while the legal amendments are a step to ensure proper appointment of special service personnel and temporary appointment employees, the basic labour rights of local public service employees remain unaddressed and should be addressed in the overall framework of the restoration of basic labour rights to all civil servants.

The Committee is once again bound to observe that the legal amendments to the Local Public Service Act that entered into force in April 2020 for local public service employees had the effect of broadening the category of public sector workers whose rights under the Convention are not fully Ensured.

Therefore, the Committee is once again bound to urge the Government to expedite without further delay its consideration of the autonomous labour-employer relations system, in consultation with the social partners concerned so as to ensure that municipal unions are not deprived of their longheld

trade union rights through the introduction of these amendments.

 It expects the Government to provide detailed information on meaningful steps in this regard.


委員会は、前回のコメントにおいて、地方公共団体の代表団体が、2020年4月の改正地方公務員法の施行が彼らの団結権に及ぼす悪影響について、以下の理由で言及していたことを想起する:(i)非正規の地方公務員とその組合は、労働基本権や、不当労働行為が疑われる場合に労働委員会に訴える能力を規定する一般労働法の適用を受けない; (ii)非常勤職員の常用的勤務(会計年度ごとに任命される特別な地位を通して常勤職員と同様に)を制限することを目的とした新制度は、労働基本権を剥奪された労働者の数を増加させる効果をもたらしている。(iii)実施されている条件付き年度雇用制度は、雇用不安を生み出し、組合行動を弱体化させている。(iv)これらの状況はさらに、すべての公務員に対する労働基本権の早急な回復を求めるものである。













Articles 2 and 3. Consultations on a time-bound action plan of measures for the autonomous labour–employer relations system.

 The Committee notes with regret that the Government merely repeats that it is examining carefully how to respond to the conclusions and recommendations formulated by the Conference Committee in 2018, and reiterates that it is exchanging opinions with JTUC-RENGO in this regard. The Committee notes, however, that JTUC–RENGO denies that such exchange of opinions took

place and deplores that, despite the five years that have lapsed since the Conference Committee called on the Government to develop a time-bound action plan together with the social partners in order to implement its recommendations, the Government has taken no steps towards its materialization.

The Committee observes with concern that the Government has made no tangible progress in engaging with the social partners to draw-up the action plan requested by the Conference Committee since 2018.

Therefore, the Committee is bound to urge the Government to take the necessary measures without further delay to define, in consultation with the social partners concerned, a time-bound plan of action to give effect to the recommendations of the Conference Committee. The Committee expects the Government to report specific steps in this respect.

第2条と第3条  自律的労使関係制度のための措置に関する期限付き行動計画に関する協議。



委員会は、政府が 2018 年以降、総会委員会から要請された行動計画を策定するために、社会的パート ナーとの関与において具体的な進展がないことを懸念をもって注視する。




2 122号条約(雇用政策)関係:Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122) (ratification(日本政府批准): 1986)



原文 Deepl仮訳
   Moreover, the Committee also notes that in their observations from September 2022, the Rentai Union Suginami, the Apaken Kobe (Casual/Temporary/Part-time Non-regular Workers’ Union), the Rentai Workers’ Union (Itabashi-ku Section) and the Union Rakuda (Kyoto Municipality Related Workers’Independent Union) refer to serious issues arising from the 2017 revision of the Local Public Service Act.

The trade unions assert that the principle of tripartite consultation in the revision of labour laws, specifically for the Public Service Act, has been neglected. This lack of consultation contradicts the process observed for the revision of general labour laws. The unions assert that this situation goes against the purpose of Article 3 of the Convention. This revision has not only impacted basic labour rights but has also impacted employment policy in the public sector by creating a new category of public employees with renewable contracts of up to one year.

This category now constitutes 30 per cent of the local government workforce, 76.6 per cent of which are women. According to the unions-, a main concern relates to the annual renewal of these contracts, leading to arbitrary personnel evaluations and terminations for reasons such as maternity, childcare, sickness, union activities, or expressing concerns to the administration.

In its response to these observations, the Government considers them to be factually incorrect and indicates that the Local Public Service Act does not establish the principle of life

term employment and that the establishment of the non-permanent employee’s system is intended to optimize the appointment and treatment of temporary and part-time staff.

Non-permanent staff appointed for a fiscal year can be reappointed to a position with the same job duty after their term ends,indicating a new appointment to a different position without extending the term or guaranteeing reappointment to the same position.

Finally, the Government stresses that the introduction of the nonpermanent staff system was intended to encourage the appointment and treatment of temporary and part-time staff.

In addition, before adopting this reform, the Government organized a study group which included experts, as well as the Japanese Trade Union Confederation (RENGO), the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren), and local governments. The study group held hearings, both with representatives of workers and of employers, to discuss the best way to appoint non-permanent staff.

The Committee notes this information and requests the Government to indicate whether, after 5 years of implementing this new system, it is intended to carry out an assessment with a view to identifying potential insufficiencies and improving employment policy in the public sector, in consultation with

the social partners, and all other interested parties, in line with Articles 2 and 3 of the Convention which require that measures taken to achieve the objectives of the Convention be kept under review and that representatives of the persons affected be consulted with a view to taking fully into account their experience and views and securing their full cooperation in formulating and enlisting support for such policies.

   The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.



彼ら労働組合は、労働法改正における三者協議の原則を主張しており、特に公務員法改正における三者協議の原則がないがしろにされていると主張するこの協議の欠如は、一般労働法の改正で見られるプロセスと矛盾している。労働組合は、このような状況は 条約第3条の目的に反すると主張する。この改正は労働基本権に影響を与えただけでなく、最長1年ごとの更新可能な契約を持つ公務員の新たなカテゴリーを創設することによって、公共部門の雇用政策にも影響を及ぼしている。













※1 「地方公務員法は終身雇用の原則を定めていない」との政府説明はかなり大胆に思える。情報公開請求により、文書を入手して確かめたい。

※2 おそらく2016年の「地方公務員の臨時・非常勤職員及び任期付職員の任用等の在り方に関する研究会」を指していると思われる。その構成は「学識経験者5名」、「自治体管理職2名」、「マスコミ・経団連・連合:各1名」の合計10名。労働組合からは1名(連合)のみで、自治体組合や非正規の労組・当事者の参加はゼロである。「三者協議原則」からの乖離は、下記※3からも明らかである。

※3 雇用政策条約:第2条、第3条


(a) 調整された経済社会政策の枠組みの中において、前条に定める目的を達成するためにとるべき措置を決定し及び検討すること。

(b) (a)の措置の実施に必要な手段(適当な場合には、計画の作成を含む。)をとること。








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